Toys, Tools, & Items

This is a list of toys, training aids, equipment, that I recommend. All images are clickable for purchase.

⭐ = Very Highly Recommended.

Please make sure all toys/tools/items are sized correctly for your dog.



Treat Pouches


Use the smallest treats possible. You need to reward your dog OFTEN during training. Even smushing one treat into a smaller treat is advised.

Enrichment Toys

These are toys that shouldn’t be left out always - just given when you want your dog to have a “job” to do. Hidden from view and access at all other times. This makes them more “special” and gives meaning to you, when you have them and provide them.

Strong Chewer Toys

  • ⭐ BARK Super Chewer Comet Dog Toy - never seen this destroyed. If you currently train with me and if your dog destroys one, provide proof and I will send them a certificate & medal. 😂🎖

  • Ring Chew Toy - incredibly hard to destroy - lifetime replacement warranty


Bonding Toys

  • LickiMat Flat

  • ZippyPaws - Monkey RopeTugz -

  • ⭐WEST PAW Zogoflex Bumi Dog Tug Toy – S-Shaped

  • West Paw Zogoflex Zisc Dog Frisbee

  • Any high value toy that your pet loves - if you noticed he/she loves one/two toy(s) the most put it away and have it out only when you’re playing with them. Play with them often with this and make it pretty long sessions. The toy usually loses meaning/value by laying around and if you have it with you the bond between you and your dog grows much faster, and much tighter. You can use this toy for training as praise as well.

Important note regarding tug toys: Let your dog win: builds their confidence, lowers resource guarding issues, lowers possible aggression, builds a bond with the owner and adds. For puppies: use very soft toys designed for puppies and use very light movements, do not do it for too long at a time as their teeth are still forming/teething process is happening.

Walking Tools

With large dogs harnesses usually still allow/help pulling - this is DESIRED in many owners due to sport work, engagement work, etc.

Keep in mind your dog is on a walk as an ENRICHING experience, not usually for exercise. Your dog wants to explore and see things so a harness is great for those times you’re able to handle your dog and still want him to be a “dog”. Dogs that are allowed to pull on a harness are very strictly taught that while being on a leash NO PULLING happens (reactive dogs might have trouble with this of course). However, no pull harness walking can also be taught, but is harder with adult dogs.

I was able to partner up with Mendota Pet - my favorite dog training / leash provider to get products directly to my customers if you’re interested on buying through me, let me know.

Disclaimer: Please note that some links above are affiliate links.


Understanding behavior extinction, extinction burst, and spontaneous recovery.

